Mid exams week is right in front of my eyes and I have zero idea on how I'm going to survive it. My lecturers this semester are all overqualified people who are seriously busy. I'm not sure why they accept the offer to teach at the first place. I don't think I have studied anything in the past 2 months. I need to study extra hard yet I have no spirit whatsoever. Oh so Lord help me. I just hope I don't fail any of the subject this semester.
As you can see, I hate mid exams week yet after that week, I shall have my weekend at Singapore which I am looking forward to. I know it's going to be hot there but I'm still excited cause I finally going to breath some new air. I can't wait to shop til I drop. Sightseeing. Taking pictures. Shopping again. And take more pictures.
Let's hope this week pass without any meaningful obstacle. Lord know I need a smooth sailing week or I'll panic.
On my fashion world, I've been obsessed with looklet. It's an amazing site where you can dressed up your model in any way you want it. It's such an awesome web. I try to visit it every single day but I've been preoccupied lately. This is one of my favourite look that I created.

Please do check my page and give me your heart on my looks and my profile.
On the other hand, I've been obsessed with my velvet blazer which has a puff shoulder. It just screams chic and elegant I try to wear it in every ocassion.

I also been obsessed with pattern! I just can't get enough of it. I love flowery pattern though I'm very selective at it cause I can't really pull off a too-sweet-look. I'm more to the abstract pattern and bohemian pattern too. Here some of my findings.

Viva pattern!!
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