I was too excited after watching Transformers 2.
Seriously, it was sick.
And I mean in a positive way.
I love Josh Duhamel. He

I think I'm developing some kind of a girl-crush on Megan Fox. She is flawless.
And Shia was outstandingly zany, it was comical. Heart him huge.
Oh and John Turturro (who play Agent Simmons), love him. Of course he was vexatious as usual, if you watched previous Transformers, but he saved the day so all was forgiven.
Ramon Rodriguez (who play Leo) was also hilarious. He is a perfect addition for the cast. Fresh and noticable (not too mention kind of cute), but didn't outshined the main cast.

As for the tin-men, who doesn't worship Optimus Prime and just adore BumbleBee.
The Twins never failed to make me smile and even burst out laughing evrytime they appear on the screen.
But Jetfire caught my attention. I was attracted to that oldschool vintage grumpy Decepticon. And the very end, it was his body parts that saved the day. Well, Optimus Prime saved all the human, but he did it with the help of Jetfire's body parts.
The 150 minutes just flew by with full throttle action from beginning to the end.
Super cool movie.
I already forgotten what activities I did yesterday.
I remember I went to church.
Then got my make up done. Never really liked to put any make up on, I feel like I'm wearing a mask, tho I love the end result.
Attended a wedding.
Got on my way back to Karawaci.
Watched Transformers 2. It wasn't planned at all. My sister suddenly suggested it. And I was like 'okaayy..' Cause I was tired and I was feeling like crap and I wasn't sure we will get any ticket and the I'm not sure if we gonna make it back to the mall in time since we had to put our luggages at our townhouse first. But I'm glad I didn't say no. The movie was exceptional.
Went back to our townhouse.
Transferred pictures to my PC.
Didn't get a chance to read any New Moon.
Let's go way back to one of my so many quotes from the book.
"I was like a lost moon--my planet destroyed in some catalysmic, disaster-movie scenario of desolation--that continued, nevertheless, to circle in a tight little orbit around the mpty space left behind, ignoring the laws of gravity."
New Moon page 201 paragraph 2.
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